Thursday, June 11, 2009


Just some quick thoughts from church tonight.

What is the difference between God saying "no" and God saying "fight a little bit for it." How am I supposed to know when God just wants me to work a little harder at something. If I believe that perfect love never fears, then shouldn't I believe that God will always take care of me? If he is always taking care of me then when he says no I should take it for that and know that I don't need it.

That isn't my life or my faith though. God doesn't simply tell us what we can or cannot do. He wants us to have to work at it sometimes. All of our hard decisions are not bad, and not all the easy ones are good. We have to work at our faith and work to trust our God; it isn't always easy.

I'm still curious however, and I am sure that I will be for some time.

-Have a blessed day


  1. What. How long has this existed?

  2. you have a blog?!

    ps- let's be friends again.
