Monday, March 30, 2009

Hebakkuk: raises more questions than it answers

Well it has been awhile since I updated and i told myself i would do this more often, though i really should be doing my homework.

Tonight in bible study we read Habakkuk and the main question was: why is there evil? Basically it seemed that the answer was that there is evil because it is all part of God's plan. He uses it to make points, or to show people how to act. But the problem is, and you can attribute this to my IB/TOK education, it makes me wonder, do the ends justify the means? I know it is God and all, and I am in no way questioning is authority or his plan. I know that he has it all set out for us and he would never do anything to hurt us or keep us away from him. However, why bring up evil to quell evil? It doesn't compute for me.

I know that God is outside of my logic, I know that he understands things that I never will be able to. But the question was raised nonetheless, and it makes me wonder. He uses the Babylonian people, a godless and vicious people, to teach the Israelites a lesson. It just seems almost redundant to me. For, to teach the Babylonians a lessons, wouldn't he have to bring up another nation? I get the basic concept, I am just spilling my thoughts. Thinking on paper, if you will.

Just something to think about.

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